You create your life.
Creative Arts
Drama Therapy is one of the Creative Arts Therapies, which also includes music, art, and dance therapies. These disciplines help clients to develop personal strengths, build new skills, explore issues, and consolidate personal gains. Drama, by its very nature, can at times include some of these arts - think of creating scenery or props, or the voice or movement skills of an actor. Sometimes drawing or writing about something can be more accessible than embodiment. Sometimes sound or movement is more easily accessible than words. At times you will find I pull from these complementary art forms in our drama therapy work together.
The goal of any arts intervention I provide is to engage in the process and activate your creative, intuitive mind in the healing process. The goal is not to make a masterpiece or to impress me with your arts skills. Anyone can participate in the creative arts, even those who insist they "can't draw." Everyone has the ability to see things in new ways, and expressive arts methods can help you do that.