You already know how to play.
Current Drama Therapy Group Offerings: Improv for Anxiety with Unscripted Improv
For more on drama therapy and to get to know more about Sarah, listen to her interview on Holistic Revolution on WXNA Nashville with Ramona Reid of Nashville Center for Alternative Therapy (NCAT) here.
Drama Therapy is one of the Creative Arts Therapies, which also includes music, art, and dance therapies. These disciplines help clients to develop personal strengths, build new skills, explore issues, and consolidate personal gains. Drama, by its very nature, can at times include some of these arts - think of creating scenery or props, or the voice or movement skills of an actor. Sometimes drawing or writing about something can be more accessible than embodiment. Sometimes sound or movement is more easily accessible than words.
The goal of any expressive arts intervention is to engage in the process and activate your creative, intuitive mind in the healing process. Expressive arts work very well with other therapy approaches.
Drama Therapy
Drama therapy offers so many ways to bring embodiment into therapy via the body, voice, movement, and imagination. Drama therapy is role play. It is pretending. It is building a safe space, or speaking to your future self, or stepping into your boss' shoes. It is creating and imagining in order to help you process, express, and heal what is limiting you. Drama therapy is a creative, embodied, relational way to work in therapy that draws on many theatrical and psychological theories and concepts. "[It] is the intentional use of drama and/or theater processes to achieve therapeutic goals" (
As a Registered Drama Therapist (RDT), Sarah can work with your innate creativity and imagination to help you move towards the change you wish to create. Based on your specific challenges and goals, as well as your interest and comfort level, we can explore relevant experiences, present, past and future and use the wisdom of your creative, intuitive mind to assist you in achieving new perspective, practicing and integrating new skills, expressing yourself in a safe space.
This is a broad approach which encompasses a wide array of techniques, and no client's treatment looks the same as another's. Sarah will create and facilitate experiences with you as you work together, often spontaneously, based on what is happening with you in the moment.
You do not have to have any creative background or training to enjoy and benefit from this approach. Only a willingness to bring your creative, intuitive self with you to therapy, and maybe an inclination to experience playfulness and to push yourself out of your comfort zone.